They are a trio of talented individuals: Jayakrishnan Subramanian, a Tamil director and animator; Franziska Schönenberger, a filmmaker/writer/producer; and Stefanie Ramb, an author and radio play director, all based in Munich. They have collaborated for many years, exploring and delving into intercultural themes. One of their notable works is the film AMMA AND APPA where Franziska and Jayakrishnan humorously addressed topics of culture clash, love, and family. Stefanie Ramb provided valuable support in shaping the film's dramaturgy and joined them in celebrating its premiere at the Berlinale.
During the premiere, their story captured the attention of an agent, leading them to conceive the culture clash novel titled SWAPPING DIRNDL FOR SARI, which Hoffmann und Campe later published. Since then, the three have continued their collaboration in writing. They have recently embarked on the development of two projects: BRIDE WITHOUT DOWRY and THE SARASWATI OF ÖTTLING. Both works are in progress and represent the trio's latest creative endeavours.
In addition to their fictional works, Stefanie Ramb is consistently involved as a dramatic advisor in Franziska and Jayakrishnan's nonfictional projects. This three-person team showcases synergy in their artistic pursuits, which continues to yield compelling and engaging creations.